The video was on Thursday a series of video between them were, as a racket, pacman, Mario Brosh, etc.
All with different versions as abusive Mario Foot pc girl, she is excited and ended with fireworks.
This was a commercial for Japp chocolate.
A fat man was doing exercises at the car, suddenly a black step in a car as Japp eating gives you energy means that the fat man is pushing the car and helps to throw over a cliff lol.
Then the fat man and a cop stops him in the same way is based on the car, then go back to black and pushes the car and drops a coin.
Lastly, it was down a man and a girl from a limousine, the fat ducks to catch a red handkerchief and gives it back pain, therefore the car and leaned back against the black back eating chocolates and helps push the car.
Shown as a city, then letters and then as a building is destroyed
A commercial for 7UP which showed two cartoons, one relaxed and wearing sunglasses and the other opening the gas and in kind of blind, then leaves a human hand and grab the gas
get a man placed a pair of pants to go get a guy on a payphone, they are low and lowering the pay phone, when she takes the pants fast and it appears there is an explosion in a city at night with the boy's phone and the two walked out
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